petak, 29. kolovoza 2014.


Pripremila sam 4 vrećice za glazuru. Obojala sam glazure s tri boje: bijelu, baby roza i roza. Samo bijelu sam napravila rjeđu i gušću, jer mi gušća kasnije treba za crtanje po kruni. U omjeru pibližno 1/6 baby roza, 2/6 roza, 2/6 bijele rijeđe i 1/6 bijele gušće.

Najprije sam sve krune ispunila s roza glazurom. Iscrtala sam rub i odmah punila, tako je obris ruba neprimjetan. Krenula sam raditi cvjetiće i za to vrijeme se glazura sušila, možda oko sat vremena. Dovoljno je da napravi koru, ne mora biti potpuno suha. Kad sam završila cvjetiće krenula sam crtati ovim redoslijedom: elipsa na dnu, linija po sredini i detalj dragulja na vrhu. Ostavila sam ih sužiti preko noći.

Cvjetiće se rade brzo, jer se crta po mokroj glazuri. Najprije sam napravila baby roza točku u sredini, zatim sam latice ispunila bijelom na kojima sam odmah po sredini radila po 2-3 točkice baby roza glazurom. Tamnijom roza sam od sredine krenula raditi pužića koliko je velika baby roza točka koju sam napravila u početku. Zatim sam pažljivo od ruba pužića crtala laticu po laticu. Ostavila sam ih sušiti preko noći.

utorak, 26. kolovoza 2014.


For the cookies use the recipe you prefer. I used this car cutter, and a round one for the moon. Bake them and cool.

I prepare two different gray icing, light and dark, a green and a yellow one. I left also some white.

First I outlined the cookies like in the photo.

I flood the whole cookies with the light grey icing. Immediateli on the right side I put over the darker grey, just to have a shade effect. I mixed them with a toothpick. I leave them dry for 30 minutes, not at all. With a darker grey I made the round dots for moon craters. At the right side of each crater I put some white color.

I flooded all light grey parts. Then I draw the piggies head. Fill the white. I let them dry.

Then draw all details on the piggies head, outline once again the ufo and put the details. With the yellow draw the fire, the lights and the lines.  

petak, 22. kolovoza 2014.


This time I used my toast cutter like a cookie cutter. There was a small difference, can you see it? The dinosaur legs are different.
The cutting of biscuites are really quickly because the toast cutters are made in order to use the bread at the best, after the cutting there are not much remains. So you spend the dought in three times rolling.

Choose the recipe you like and bake the bisuites.

Somewhere earlier I show how I made the tourquise icing. I put together 1 part of electric green and 2 parts of electric blue

I decided to mix those two colors for the dots of both dinosaurs. Will be better looking on the plate.
One is green and the other is blue. The blue have the tourquise and green dots, the green one have the blue and tourquise dots. Three completely different but perfectly coordnated colors.


This poster of strawberry shortcake give me the inspiration! 

I combinated two different cookie cutters. For the flum I cut the star once, for the bulberry twice.

 I made the royal icing with meringue powder:
440 gr (4 cups) powdered sugar
30gr (3 tablespoons) meringue powder
120 - 180 ml (1/2 cup - 3/4 cup) warm water

The colors I used:
 Strawberry Shortcake - 114 deep pink
Blueberry Muffin - 134 navy blue
Plum Pudding - 122 violet

First I outlined the cookies with white and let dry for an hour.

Then I flooded the green parts. I left the fruits inside for the end. After the flooding of every cookie, I made imediatelly the white dots. For the blueberry I made a star using a toothspick. Let them dry overnight.

četvrtak, 21. kolovoza 2014.


Kako se u receptu koristi naribana korica i limuna i naranče, bitno je da su neprskani, odnosno provjerenog porijetla, organski. Moji su stigli sa Hvara. Naša klima je takva da limun razvija plodove nekoliko puta tijekom godine. Zato se na stablima limuna često mogu naći istodobno i cvjetovi i plodovi u različitom stupnju razvitka. Isto vrijedi i za naranče, iako su one manje prisutne u našim vrtovima.



220gr brašna
120gr maslaca
100gr šećera
1 jaje
prstohvat soli 

naribana korica 1 naranče
naribana korica 1 limuna

sok naranče po potrebi, ali ne više od pola istisnute naranče

Brašno stavite na radnu površinu. Napravite udubinu u koji stavite maslac. Razmrvite ga sa vilicom. Dodajte sve ostale sastojke i zamijesite tijesto. Ja sam narančin sok direktno cijedila na smjesu. Koricu sam naribala na grublji ribež, tako u tijestu ostaju više vidljivi. Volim miris agruma koji se širi kuhinjom dok mijesite tijesto. Ostavite u frižideru sat vremena. 

Ponovo zamijesite, narežite željeni oblik, rasporedite na lim i pecite u zagrijanoj pećnici oko 10 minuta na 200°C. Vrijeme pečenja ovisi o debljini keksa. Ja sam tijesto razvaljala na 3mm. 

srijeda, 20. kolovoza 2014.



250gr all propose flour 
70 g butter 
120gr sugar 
2 vanilla sugar 
25 gr finely minced peeled almonds 
3 egg yolks 
1 dl whole milk 
zest of half organic lemon 

Fragrant, crisp ..... biscuits with milk is made: 
Arrange the flour on a work place. In the middle crumble the butter with a fork. Add the sugar, vanilla sugar, egg yolks, lemon zest and milk. In this recipe goes so much milk, these are biscuits with milk, so with fingers quickly work the dought. When the dough is finished, made a roll and leave in the fridge for an hour. 

Work the dough again. It's sticky, so you can add more flour, but not more than 2 tablespoons. Roll and cut the cookies with the shape you want. 

Arrange on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven at 160 ° C for about 15 minutes. As soon as you notice the golden color, they are finished. Take them out, cool and decorate as desired. 
Decoration with royal icing will not be perfect at the edges because of the almond mixture. But the recipe is super because you will use the eggs albumens and the lemon mixed to sugar for the royal icing.


250gr brašna
70 gr maslaca
120gr šećera
2 vanilijin šećera
25gr fino mljevenih očišćenih badema
3 žumanjka
1 dl punomasnog mlijeka
naribana korica 1/2 neprskanog limuna

Mirisni, prhki..... keksi s mlijekom rade se tako:
Brašno rasporedite na radnu površinu. U sredini razmrvite maslac vilicom. Dodajte šećer, vanilijin šećer, žumanjke, naribanu koricu limuna i mlijeko. U ovaj recept ide više mlijeka, ipak su to keksi s mlijekom, tako da prstima brzo umijesite smjesu. Kad je tijesto gotovo, oblikujte valjak i ostavite u frižideru da odstoji sat vremena.

Ponovo umijesite tijesto. Ljepljivo je, tako da slobodno možete dodati još najviše 2 žlice brašna. Razvaljajte i narežite oblik keksa koji želite.

Složite na lim i stavite u prethodno zagrijanu pećnicu na 160°C oko 15 minuta. Čim primjetite zlatnu boju, gotovi su. Izvadite ih i ohladite pa ukrasite po želji. 
Dekoracija sa kraljevskom glazurom neće biti savršena na rubovima zbog badema u smjesi. Ali je recept super jer će se bjelanjaci i sok limuna mogu iskoristiti za izradu glazure. 

četvrtak, 14. kolovoza 2014.


30 dag brašna
20 dag šećera
4 žumanjka
30 dag maslaca
2 žličice limunova soka + korica
20 dag mljevenih lješnjaka


Maslac izmrviti vilicom u brašnu, dodati žumanjke i šećer, limunov sok i lješnjake i umijesiti glatko tijesto. Po potrebi dodati malo ruma.
Staviti u frižider najmanje pola sata, a zatim tijesto razvaljati na 3 mm debljine i izrezati jedrilice.
Kolačiće staviti na papir za pečenje i peći oko 8-10 minuta na 200°C
Da keksi budu ukusniji, lješnjake bi trebalo prethodno ugrijati u pečnici pa ih među dlanovima istrljati da se ogule. Jako su prhi i vrlo ukusni.
Kako površina keksa nije sva pokrivena, za glazuru će biti dovoljna 2 bijelanjka, 400gr šećera u prahu i 2 žlice limunovog soka.
Od dobivene smijese izdvojite jednu trećinu koju obojite u plavo i dvije pune žlice koje obojite u crno. Redoslijed kojim sam ja radila je: najprije sam nacrtala plavi brod sa bijelim točkama, zatim crni jarbol i na kraju malo bijelo jedro i veliko bijelo jedro. Kako ne treba čekati da bude sve skroz suho dekoracija ide brzo.

srijeda, 13. kolovoza 2014.


To mix with the Minnie muffin I made also a minnie bows. I found on a great idea how to made the Minnie bows from butterflies cutters. I don't have the same cutters, so I used what I have. I cut the part down how is showed in this photo.

I baked my cookies. After they cooled I started with decoration. First I outlined and flooded the bows with pink icing on the entire cookies. Imediattely I drew the white dots. After all was dried I outlined again the cookies. With this outlining the cookies get the shape of the bows.


 I combinated this two cutters for the smaller muffins

and this two cutters for the bigger one

I first outlined and flooded the pink bow. Imediatelly with flooding I made the white dots on the bows, I call this "wet on wet" technique. Then I outlined and flooded the white part. When I finished with all whites decorations, the first I flooded was already dried enought to made the pink parts with the "wet on wet" white dots. I let them dried overnight.

After the icing was dried, I outline once again the bow and then made the white decoration. I made two different designs.
I also made some cookies only with the muffin cutter and then drew the bows on them. 


nedjelja, 10. kolovoza 2014.

Cherry cookies

For my cherries, I made my clasic sugar cookies recipe with butter:
750 gr of flour
250 gr of butter
250 gr of powdered sugar
4 egg
1 tsp of vanilla ore one vanilla
1 tsp baking powder
a pinch of salt

Stir the butter with the sugar vigorously until the substance is foamy. Add the egg and keep mixing while adding the rest of ingredients until the dough is ready. It should be tender, so put into the fridge for two hours.

Make your biscuits.

Bake them for 10-15 minutes at the temperature of 180°C in the pre-heated baking oven.

The colors I use was all from Americolor:
101 super black 
120 super red
112 mint green (mixed with a little black)
211 leaf green