ponedjeljak, 24. ožujka 2014.


A friend had a birthday party with strawberry theme. I made this strawberries flower.
On the strawberries I first outline and immediatly flood the green. I leave them an hour to dry. In this hour I started with the flowers. First I outlined the flower. When I finished I started to flood the first one - the outline was dry. Then I take the strawberies where I outline and flood imediatlly the fruit with rose color. I flooded one at time because I made the yellow points and pulled them down with a toothpick. I took the flower again where I made the yellow centre. I left them to dry for aproximatelly one hour. Then I take the strawberries where I drew the green small star. At the end I made the final decorations on the flower. First I made the white lines then I made the small yellow points in the centre. 

For the flowers lines I start from the outlines of the petal to the centre, I want to have this "tear line", thicker then thinner.


Nešto u zadnje vrijeme često koristim "wet on wet" odnosno mokro na mokro tehniku. Brza je, a obzirom da su čajnik i šalice bijele, ne gubim puno vremena na farbanje glazure.
Najprije sam sve obrubila gušćom bijelom i dok sam došla do kraja, prvi keksi koje sam ocrtavala su već bili spremni za popunjavanje.
Popunjavala sam jednog po jednog. Odmah kako bi ispunila čajnik sam radila vodoravne crte koje sam čačkalicom vukla za gore kako bi dobila efekt valova. Dok sam i s popunjavanjem došla do kraja, krenula sam ispočetka da im napravim poklopce. 

Kod šalice sam najprije ispunila i nacrtala doljnji dio. A gornji unutarnji dio sam ispunila na kraju, kad je doljnji bio već suh, kako bi bilo ljepše na spoju.

nedjelja, 23. ožujka 2014.


I mixed the Americolor electric green and electric blue for this turquoise collor.

For the round cookies I first outlined the cookie with a light black. Then I flooded them with turquoise and the other with dark blue, made the lines on the wet cookies. Imediattely I made "the waves"with a toothpick.

I spent more time with butterflies. First I made the body and outline with black. After they dried, I first put the electric green in the edges, then I put a turquoise point in the middle of the up wings. Then I put a electic blue line. The rest of all wings I flooded with the dark blue. After all I made the electric green line in the middle and the electric blue point in the turquise point. I finished the decoration with a toothpick.
I love them!


I'm not happy with the consistency of the icing, but I made these cookies so quickly - I didn't have time to test the fluency. I didn't wait the icing dried right. But these cookies are so cute... I want show them to you. I made them for my son.

I use a egg cookie cutter.
First I outlined with light yellow, then I flooded them with a more fluent yellow. I wait for two hours then I started with the eyes, beak and wings. My inspiration was the Sleeply bird from the Pocoyo cartoon with all facial expressions.


I found a site with natural colors for icing. I was impatient, I want try it.
Here I mixed the Nesquick cocoa powder for the brown icing. I'm happy with the results. The mixed icing was fluent and smooth. Overnight had a nicely dry. 


Kupila sam nove izrezivače u obliku mafina. Malo je više izraženiji vrh.

Napravila sam gušću glazuru.
Pripremila sam 4 vrečice sa glazurom:
1. bijelu gušću glazuru za obrubljivanje i kasnije crtanje
2. bijelu rijeđu za popunjavanje
3. svijetlo crvenu za košaricu - srednje gustoće, kako vi ocrtala i ispunila sve s jednom
4. crvena gusta za trečnjicu na vrhu i crte na košarici

Postupak kojim sam pripremila vrećice:
od pripremljene glazure sam odvojila približno 1/6 i ostavila je bijelu gušću. U približno 2/6 sam dodala par kapi vode -tako sam odmah imala gotovu bijelu rijeđu.
U ostalu 3/6 sam dodala par kapi crvene i par kapi vode. Bila sam oprezna s bojom jer nisam htjela intenzivno crvenu. Tako sam dobila "watermelon red" nijansu od koje sam 1/6 izdvojila i dodala joj još par kapi crvene boje i žlicu šećera u prahu, kako bi povećala gustoću glazure.

Postupak kojim sam radila je:
Obrubila sam bijelom gustom glazurom šlag. Samo sam ga obrubila. Dok se to prosušilo krenula sam sa ocrtavanjem košarica. Za košaricu sam napravila rub i popunila ju bez da se rub potpuno posuši. Radila sam jednu po jednu jer sam na njima crtala točke. Znači odmah kako sam obojala košaru odložila sam crvenu uzela bijelu rijeđu i radila točke. Dok sam to završila već se bijeli rub prosušio tako da sam krenula sa ispunom.
Ostavila sam ih sat vremena na zraku.
Najprije sam na košarici nacrtala okomite crte i trešnju na vrhu, a zatim sam gušćom bijelom nacrtala šlag.
Ostavila sam ih preko noći da se glazura posuši.

subota, 8. ožujka 2014.


Šareni zečići!
Stiže proljeće, brzo će Uskrs pa evo i mojih proljetnih cvjetića, uskrsnih jaja i zečića.

Umijesila sam tijesto od:
750 gr brašna (glatkog)
250 gr maslaca (ili margarina)
250 gr šećera u prahu
4 jaja
1 vanilijin šećer
1 pecilni prašak
strugana kora jednog limuna
prstohvat soli

Ostavila sam ga u frižideru pola sata. 
Kekse sam pekla od 15-20 minuta na temperaturi od 180 °C u već zagrijanoj pećnici ovisi o modelu i veličini keksa.
Kroz vrijeme sam prikupila različite izrezivače. Na ovaj sam emocionalno vezana, s njim mi je moja mama u djetinjstvu radila kekse...
Ovaj sam kupila u Plodinama.

A ovaj sam dobila nedavno na poklon.

Za glazuru sam koristila
3 bjelanjka
3 žlice limunovog soka
600 gr šećera u prahu

Pripremila sam boje. Žuta, narančasta,roza,zelena, plava i ljubičasta. Ja sam narančastu napravila miješajući žutu i crvenu, a ljubičastu miješajući roza i plavu.

Treba pogoditi točnu gustoću glazure. Na slikama se vidi kako mi je zelena ostala pregusta, keksi nisu glatki - poznaju se tragovi ukrašavanja. Nastavkom broj 3 sam iscrtala vanjski rub keksa, odmah sam ga ispunila istom glazurom. Keks sam tresla lijevo-desno kako bi se glazura zagladila. Sa strane u posebnoj vrećici imala sam bijelu glazuru nešto tečnije gustoće s kojom sam odmah - isti tren - nacrtala bijele točke. Tako se točke stope s glazurom.

Evo ih na tanjuru

petak, 7. ožujka 2014.


Sugar Cookies:

390 gr (3 cups) all purpose flour
200 gr (1 cup) of white sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder (baking soda)
227 gr (1 cup) butter, room temperature
2 eggs
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

Royal Icing with egg whites:

60 gr (2 large) egg whites
2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
330 gr (3 cups) powdered sugar

Royal Icing with meringue powder:

440 gr (4 cups) powdered sugar
30gr (3 tablespoons) meringue powder
120 - 180 ml (1/2 cup - 3/4 cup) warm water

četvrtak, 6. ožujka 2014.


I used this recipe

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup butter, room temperature
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • grated lemon

Bake 15 minutes on 180°C(depending on cookie cutter size). 
Cool completely on wire racks. 

I made the royal icing. Then I separated 1/4 which I colored in black. I thinned the rest of royal icing with some water. You have to value when the consistency is right for piping and flooding all-in-one. The point is, it has to be thin enough to flow, while remaining thick enough that it doesn’t fall off the side of the cookie. 
To ice cookies, first outline and fill with white at the same time. I use a nozzle tip 3. Imediatelly I made the black line using a nozzle tip 1.
This technique reduced the decorating time, so easy and quick.

srijeda, 5. ožujka 2014.


My son loves ANGRY BIRDS Now he is playing Angry birds Seasons, where I saw this piggies masked us easter bunnies.

I made a clasic sugar cookies recipe, here you have it:
750 gr of flour
250 gr of butter
250 gr of powdered sugar
4 egg
1 tsp of vanilla ore one vanilla
1 tsp baking powder
a pinch of salt

I put the butter with the sugar in my robot (food processor) untill the substance was foamy. Then I put the eggs inside and added the rest of ingredients until the dough was ready. I put it into the fridge for one hours.
I used the bunny cookie cutter.
The cookies was baked for 8-10 minutes on 180°C in the pre-heated baking oven.

First I outline the green faces. When I finished, I start with the pink ears from the beginning. I left them dry overnight.
Then I made the muzzle. The nostrils are drawn on the wet muzzle with the dark green icing (in the green I put some cocoa powder). 

Charming piglets!


I bought a new cookie cutter: a rouge.

I used three colors: pink, white and black. The method was to outline and fload the cookie from the bottom, so first all blacks, then white and at last pink. I use a piping bag with a tip 2. I made thr outlining and flooding with the same icing. I left the cookies overnight to dry, then I drew details on the cookie. For the second outline on the cookie I use a piping bag with a tip 0. Before I drew, I check the consistency with a few strings on my worktop. 


Ružičasta vrpca je međunarodni simbol za buđenje svijesti u ranom otkrivanju raka dojke.
Dan ružičaste vrpce humanitarna je akcija čiji je glavni cilj upozoriti na važnost ranog otkrivanja raka dojke, jer se 90% oboljelih žena može izliječiti ukoliko se bolest otkrije u početnom stadiju. Ovu manifestaciju u Hrvatskoj organizira Hrvatski forum protiv raka dojke "Europa Donna" i u Hrvatskoj se održava prve subote u listopadu.
U svijetu od raka dojke godišnje oboli 1,3 milijuna žena, a umre ih 458 tisuća. U europskim se zemljama svake dvije minute otkrije jedan slučaj raka dojke dok svakih šest minuta zbog te bolesti umre jedna žena. Smatra se da će od raka dojke oboljeti jedna od deset žena.
Cijeli je mjesec listopad posvećen borbi protiv raka dojke.
Nije listopad... keksi su za prijateljicu koja mi je bila na prvom pregledu nakon operacije i zračenja i SVE JE U REDU, IZLIJEČILA SE. Hrabra je i uvijek optimistična......


Butterfly cookies with wet on wet technique 


I found a recipe for cookies without eggs, so this could be also a vegan recipe. 
Vegans don't use eggs and milk so the milk down could be replaced with soya milk. Most magarines are made from soybean oil or a blend of oils, beu actually contain trace amounds of dairy products such as whey or lactose too. So check first. 

The recipe is:
100 gr margarine
130 gr white sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking powder
2 spoons of milk 
300 gr all propose flour
a pinch of salt
grated lemon

I made also one with eggs, so I take some photos

It should be tender, I put them for half an hour in fridge. Bake them for 8-10 minutes at the temperature of 180°C in the pre-heated baking oven.


Stalno pada kiša.....
odgođene maškare jednu subotu, pa drugu.... kad će konačno proljeće?!
I tako sam napravila kekse u obliku oblaka i u obliku kapi kiše. Nemam izrezivač u obliku oblaka pa sam izrezala cvijet koji sam razvukla.

Sa nastavkom broj 2 sam obrubila sa crnom bojom. Oblak sam ispunila sa bijelom koristeći nastavak broj 3, za kapi kiše koristila sam plavu. Odmah kako sam ispunila sam nacrtala crne detalje.

Isprobala sam i jednostavnije bez crne, isto nije loše....