I made a clasic sugar cookies recipe, here you have it:
750 gr of flour
250 gr of butter
250 gr of powdered sugar
4 egg
1 tsp of vanilla ore one vanilla
1 tsp baking powder
a pinch of salt
I put the butter with the sugar in my robot (food processor) untill the substance was foamy. Then I put the eggs inside and added the rest of ingredients until the dough was ready. It was tender, so I put it into the fridge for two hours.
I used two different cookie cutters size. Bake them 8-10 minutes on 180C in the pre-heated oven.
First I outlined like in photo, let dry for about 30 minutes and then I flooded every second part and leave it overnight.

Then I flooded the remains part.
When the icing is dry, after about 2 hours, draft the green details.