I used this photos for my "home-made" cookie cutters.


I take a plastic cap from the mascapone cheese. You can use every peace of tender plastic you have at home. Cut like in the photo.
Here is the result.
Made the dought you like. Put the plastic "home-made cookie cutter" on the dought and cut carefully with a knife. Bake and then decorate.
For the decorating of Red's and The iced bird's face, I cut out the face from the printed page -photo 1.
With a toothpick I made points - the result is on photo 2. The photo 3-7 show how I made the black lines.
1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
I didn't outline the stomack, this is only to have a guide for thr red and beige color.
In this photos you could see how I flooded and decorated the cookies.
The Angry birds space plate