subota, 27. rujna 2014.

Peppa Pig and George cookies

Here is the photo which I used for my paper cookie cutter.

I print a copy and cut out near the lines. I put this on the dought and cut with a knife. I put down only the Pepa Pig photo, I did the same with George.

First I outlined and flooded the head and ears with light pink. After all heads was finish, I stated with outlining the dress with a darker red and then flooded with a lighter one. I left aproximatelly to dry for an hour and then drew the head details, the hands, the legs and the tail.
I made the same with George.

petak, 26. rujna 2014.


Here is the photo which I used for my paper cookie cutter.

I print a copy and cut out near the lines. I put this on the dought and cut with a knife. 

First I outlined and flooded the head and the body. I imediatelly flooded the pink stomach. I left for one hour to dry. Then I outlined and flooded the ears with white and imediatelly with pink. Then I made the eyes and mouth.

srijeda, 24. rujna 2014.


I started with the roof. On the photo you could see the details on the roof, I leave the icing more dense for better wood effect.
I put the red icing in a bag with a tip number 44. I never used this one for flooding without outlining, but I like the results. First I made the triangle on the top. After 30 minutes I made the second line and imediatlly the other two lines. After one hour I flooded the rest. I leave them dry for aproximatelly two hours.


The icing didn't dry at all, but it's not important for drawing the bone. I draw the black detail  combining a tip 000 and a toothpick after 30 minutes aproximatelly.

The icing for the bones is colored with Nesquik (cocoa powder). At the same moment I outlined, flooded and draw the black lines. 

utorak, 23. rujna 2014.


My dad have the birthday and this cookies is for him. His moustaches are grey, so I colored my icing with grey.
First I outlined and flooded all cookies with the same icing. My icing was denser, to leave on the cookies imperfections. Let the cookies dry overnight and then drew the details.

I find on internet the pages down and this was my inspiration - the template for the bowler hat. I cut out one from a paper, put this on the dought and cut with a knife. Here is the finished plate!

petak, 12. rujna 2014.


Koristila sam kalup u obliku kosti i rebrasti pravokutnik.

Za dekoraciju sam si pripremila bijelu i sivu glazuru. Sivu sam dobila tako što sam u bijelu dodala manje crne boje. Siva je bila gušća, a u bijelu sam dodala par kapi vode kako bi mi bila tečnija radi lakšeg popunjavanja.
Nastavci koje sam koristila: br.2 za crtanje rubova, br.3 za ispunjavanje bijelom i crtanje sivih točkica, br.0 za detalj koverte i šape.

Najprije sam sivom bojom nacrtala rubove kostiju. Kad sam završila sa crtanjem rubova, počela sam popunjavati kosti bijelom glazurom i ostavila sve da se osuši preko noći.

Najprije sam sa sivom bojom nacrtala rub kvadrata. Kako sam završila sa rubovima krenula sam sa popunjavanjem tako: ispunila sam sa bijelom i napravila sive točke odmah,  keks po keks. Pustila sam da se posuši otprilike 2 sata pa sam nacrtala detalj pisma i šape. Ostavila sam da se posuši preko noći.

nedjelja, 7. rujna 2014.

WHALE COOKIES/combined cutters

 I don't have a whale cookie cutter, so I start thinking of a combination with more cutters. Down is how I made my whales. Round cutter (5cm), small clover cutter(2,5cm) and Xcutter (2,5cm) 

First I outlined and flooded the white parts. Then I flooded the whale body with light blue. After aproximatelly one hour, I drew the details with white and with a darker blue icing. It was just an attempt, next time I have to made better icing. I was not happy with the icing consistency.
You can see one stomach is outlined white, one is outlined blue. I think the whale with water is so much white id also the stomach is white.