petak, 27. prosinca 2013.


My friend recived the most beautifull Christmas gift: a babygirl! Her name is Nina. I'm so happy for them... so I baked new cookies....

I made a clasic sugar cookies recipe, here you have it:
750 gr of flour
250 gr of butter
250 gr of powdered sugar
4 egg
1 tsp of vanilla ore one vanilla
1 tsp baking powder
a pinch of salt

I put the butter with the sugar in my robot (food processor) untill the substance was foamy. Then I put the eggs inside and added the rest of ingredients until the dough was ready. It was tender, so I put it into the fridge for two hours.

From this dough I made aproximatelly 30 bodies, 30 baby strollers and 20 ducks with the wilton cookie cutters.
I turn the baby strollers cookies so I have a right and a left one:

For the royal icing I used 
3 albumens
3 tsp of lemon
600 gr of sugar powder

I colored one spoon with black and two spoon with orange color for ducks. From the rest I separated two-thirds and colored with a bit of red so I got a baby pink. From this baby pink I take 3 spoons where I added some more red, so the pink was darker. You could see this on the duck - outlined with light pink and filled with the darker one:

For me the most easiest cookie decor is this baby bodies. I prefer the left one.

Here is all th cookies together! Welcome Nina!

srijeda, 25. prosinca 2013.


Radujem se Božiću! Sretan i blagoslovljen Božić svima!
I love the Cristmas time! Merry Xmas everyone!

I use the round and square cookie cutters.Then I outline the christmas tree with an another cristmas tree shaped cookie cutter. Later is more easy for outlining with royal icing. I joke with the color lights.... 
I prefered the round one

I took the photos with my tablet, but I used the bleck for the wire, orange, light blue, red and yelow for lamps.


Cijela kuća mi ima miris zime.... napravila sam aromatične kekse... radila sam više oblika pa tako je nastao i snješko.... evo recepta:

750 gr brašna (glatkog)
250 gr maslaca (ili margarina)
250 gr šećera u prahu
4 jaja
1 vanilijin šećer
1 pecilni prašak
čajna žličica đumbira
pola čajne žličice cimeta
strugana kora mandarine (klementine)
prstohvat soli

Umijesila sam tijesto tako da sam maslac i šećer miksala pa sam postepeno dodavala ostale sastojke. Kako je tijesto jako mekano, ostavila sam ga u frižideru nešto više vremena.
Koristila sam kalup za izradu božićne kugle.
Kekse sam pekla od 15-20 minuta na temperaturi od 180 °C u već zagrijanoj pećnici.

Za glazuru sam koristila
3 bjelanjka
3 žlice limunovog soka
600 gr šećera u prahu

Na ohlađene kekse sam nastavkom broj 2 iscrtala bijelu liniju lica (polukrug). Za ispuniti lice razrijedila sam glazuru s par kapi vode. Isto tako sam postupila s kapom, samo što sam ju obojala u plavo. Nakon što se sušila preko noći, nacrtala sam nos, oči i usta. S nastavkom broj 48 nacrtala sam detalj na kapi a za čuperak sam koristila nastavak broj 12.

SnOwflAkE / Pahulje

I made a classic biscuits with the smell of winter...

750 gr of flour
250 gr of butter
250 gr of powdered sugar
4 egg
1 tsp of vanilla ore one vanilla
1 tsp baking powder
a pinch of salt
1 tsp ginger powder
half tsp cinnamon powder

Stir the butter with the sugar vigorously until the substance is foamy. Add the egg and keep mixing while adding the rest of ingredients until the dough is ready. It should be tender, so put into the fridge for one hour. I leave it overnight.

Chose your biscuits shape. I use a round cookie cutter, diameter of 5cm.

Bake them for 15-20 minutes at the temperature of 180°C in the pre-heated baking oven.

For the royal icing I used 
3 albumens
3 tsp of lemon
600 gr of sugar powder

I like the method where I first outline the cookie. I use a piping bag with a tip 2 for my outlining. When the outlining is dry I flood the cookie with the same icing with a few drops of water. Flooding will be easier. I left the cookies overnight to dry, then I drew details on the cookie. For the second outline on the cookie I use a piping bag with a tip 0. Before I drew, I check the consistency with a few strings on my worktop. I
It's quick and easy because you don't have to color,change bags..... 

utorak, 24. prosinca 2013.


It's winter! The days are shorter, at 5PM was already dark. My two old friends was beating almonds,talking of everithing, so the long afternoons passed more quickly... and I have almonds for my cookies!

300 gr of flour
180 gr of butter
70 gr of sugar
1 egg
1 tsp of vanilla ore one vanilla
150 gr of almonds (fineley minced in blender)

my secret is a pinch of salt

Stir the butterwith the sugar vigorously until the substance is foamy. Add the egg and keep mixing while adding the restof ingredients until the dough is ready. It should be tender, so put into the fridge for one hour.

Make your biscuits.

Bake them for 15-20 minutes at the temperature of 180°C in the pre-heated baking oven.
